Shenyun Providencepac 2017 2 5

Star Survey — First Time on Stage

The next season of Shen Yun is almost upon us. For the artists, that means it's time to hit the road again.

Every new season is a new adventure. But each person's first adventure will always be the most memorable of all. In this Star Survey, we asked some of our principal performers to recall their first time on the world's stage. Here’s what they said.

Angelia Wang
Principal Dancer, Shen Yun New York Company

AW: My first role with Shen Yun was in Lady of the Moon in the 2008 production. But I didn’t play the Lady. The choreographer cast me as one of the villagers who suffers heatstroke because of the nine suns blazing in the sky. I was only on stage for a few seconds: I did a flip, fainted from the heat, and that was it! But as a new performer, I really treasured each opportunity to go on. And I worked a lot with the choreographer to get it just right. It was definitely a process, and reminds me of the saying: “If you can’t do great things, then do small things great.”

Alvin Song
Principal Dancer, Shen Yun International Company


AS: Before I became a professional dancer, I had also played in many national tennis tournaments and piano concerts, including once at Carnegie Hall. I’ve always loved the adrenaline of being in the spotlight, and performing with Shen Yun for the first time gave me that thrill, times a hundred.

My first performance was in New Brunswick, NJ in 2008. The venue happened to be 10 minutes from my home. But instead of competing on the tennis court, I was at State Theater dancing my heart out.

From that day on, I knew I wanted to devote the rest of my life to performing. There’s no better feeling than getting on stage knowing you have the power to genuinely touch people and even bring a lost culture back to life.

Melody Qin
Principal Dancer, Shen Yun New York Company


MQ: My first time on stage with Shen Yun was in Toronto. I had some minor roles, like being a bodhisattva statue. I basically had to hold the same pose for the entire seven-minute dance, but as soon as the curtain opened, I somehow got very nervous. My whole body began shaking nonstop. Halfway through the dance, I even thought I’d collapse. When the dance finally ended, my legs were totally numb and I was soaked in sweat. Through this role, I discovered that standing perfectly still is no easy feat!

Xinghao Che
Principal Dancer, Shen Yun Touring Company


XC: It was the fall of 1998, with a company out in California. I had only been dancing for about a month or so. I remember being very confident despite my horrendous movements and lack of musicality.




Jaling Chen
Principal Dancer, Shen Yun New York Company

JC: My first time dancing on the Shen Yun stage was in Toronto in the fall of 2007. Before we set out from New York, several dancers’ visas were delayed, which made us really anxious. But we didn’t lose hope, and everything worked out in the end.

That night when the curtain first rose, I felt a strong connection with the audience. Although it was nerve-wracking to be on stage for the first time, I could feel the power of the group’s support. Everyone put her heart into the performance, and the energy of our togetherness was astounding. It was a great show.

Danny Li
Principal Dancer, Shen Yun New York Company


DL: The moment the curtain flew up for my first Shen Yun show, I became dizzy and overwhelmed. Thousands of people were watching the stage, incredibly still and silent, and I could feel their expectations of the performance.

But suddenly, I felt the urge to give it all that I had. And I sensed all the other dancers around me projecting the same energy. This feeling grew stronger as the show progressed. At the same time, the audience’s excitement helped motivate us and push the performance to the apex. At curtain call, I remember being so thrilled that the audience appreciated our performance that much. I’ve felt this way ever since.


What would you like to ask the performers in our next Star Survey? Leave a comment and let us know!

Plus, don’t miss seeing them in Shen Yun 2018. Find your city here.
