Essential Phrases for Surviving Europe

As we tour Europe, we sometimes wake up in the morning, sit on the edge of the bed, and think—where are we? We were in Belgium yesterday, I think we are going to Spain tomorrow. Is this France? In these situations, it’s helpful to know how to greet the hotel receptionist. Is it “bonjour,” “buenos dias,” “guten Morgen,” “早上好?” (probably not, but it just comes out). Oh, we’re in England. “Morning.”

So, here is our basic Europe survival guide:




Hello - Ciao

How are you? - Come stai?

I’m well, thank you - Bene, grazie.

You’re welcome - Prego

Excuse me - Scusami

Yes/No - Si/No

Coffee please - Per favore può farmi un caffè?

Tea please - Per favore può farmi un tè?

My name is... - Il mio nome è...

Where is the bathroom? - Dov'è il bagno?

I don’t speak Italian... - Non parlo l'italiano

Do you speak English? - Conosci l'inglese?

Good luck! - Buona fortuna

The food is great - Il cibo è buono!

I really like Italian ice cream - Mi piace il gelato




Hello - Hola

How are you? - Como estás?

I’m well, thank you -   Bien, gracias

You’re welcome -   De nada

Excuse me - perdón!

Yes/No -  Si/No

Coffee please - Un café (solo (black), cortado ("cut" = with a drop of milk), con leche (with milk)

Tea please -  Un té por favor

My name is... -  Me llamo...

Where is the bathroom? -  Donde está el baño?

I don’t speak Spanish - No hablo español

Do you speak English? -  Habla inglés?

Good luck! - Suerte!

The food is great - La comida es fantástica!

I love tapas – Me encantan las tapas




(Note: spelling has little to do with pronunciation)

Hello - Bonjour

How are you? - Comment ça va?

I’m well, thank you - Je vais bien, merci

You're welcome - Je vous en prie

Excuse me - Excusez-moi

Yes/No - Oui/Non

Coffee please (small, medium, large) -  Un café s'il vous plaît (petit, moyen, grand)

Tea please - Un thé s'il vous plaît

My name is... - Je m'appelle...

Where is the bathroom? - Où sont les toilettes?

I don’t speak French... - Je ne parle pas français

Do you speak English? - Parlez-vous anglais?

Good luck! - Bonne chance!

The food is great - C'est délicieux

I love the Louvre - J'aime le Louvre



Hello - Ahoj

How are you? - Jak se máš?

I’m well, thank you - Mám se dobře, děkuji.

You’re welcome - Není zač.

Excuse me - Promiňte.

Yes/No - Ano/Ne

Coffee please (small, medium, large) - Kávu, prosím (malou, střední, velkou)

Tea please - Čaj, prosím

My name is... - Jmenuji se...

Where is the bathroom? - Kde je toaleta?

I don’t speak Czech - Nemluvím česky

Do you speak English? - Mluvíte anglicky?

Good luck! - Hodně štěstí!

The food is great - To jídlo je skvělé

I love Antonín Dvořák’s music, and also svichova – Miluji hudbu Antonína Dvořáka a také svíčkovou.


How are you? - Wie geht es Ihnen?

I'm well, thank you - Sehr gut, vielen Dank!

You're welcome - Sehr gerne

Excuse me - Entschuldigen Sie bitte

Yes/No - Ja/Nein

Coffee please (small, medium, large) - Einen (kleinen, mittleren, grossen) Kaffee bitte

Tea please - Einen Tee bitte

My name is... - Mein Name ist...

Where is the bathroom? - Wo kann ich die Toilette finden?

I don't speak German... - Ich spreche kein Deutsch

Do you speak English? - Sprechen Sie Englisch?

Good luck! - Viel Erfolg!

The food is great - Das Essen ist sehr gut!

I like the Berlin Philharmonic... - Mir gefallen die Berliner Philharmoniker...


With special thanks to our trumpet player Jimmy Geiger for contributing this idea.

Leeshai Lemish

Leeshai Lemish

Master of Ceremonies

April 1, 2014
