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Take Care of Your Skin Like a Pro

As the saying goes, when you look better, you feel better. So how you care for your skin, especially your face, can really make a difference in the way you feel.

Some might think maintaining good skin is a burden—but it’s not! What I’m NOT about to do, is show you a whole list of products to add to your cabinet. Instead, I want to share with you the most effective skincare methods, the ones Shen Yun dancers use.

Before I start with Skin Care 101, let’s look at the skincare challenges Shen Yun dancers face daily.

A Shen Yun performance lasts over two hours. During touring season, which is about half a year, each of our seven companies have, on average, 100 shows.

So just the time a single dancer spends on stage wearing relatively heavy makeup amounts to over 200 hours a year! And that doesn’t include time on stage under the lights when the curtain is down: 45 minutes of pre-show warm up, 15 minutes of stretching during intermission—if you add those in, we’re up to over 300 hours.

But what about preparation time, lunch, dinner…? On a two-show day, dancers might wear makeup from 10am to 10pm straight. And many of those hours are spent with streams of sweat under intense rays of stage lights. We might then remove the makeup and make a quick exit out the stage door into freezing winds (remember most of our tour is during winter). Then you have the overnight flights, the coast-to-coast bus rides, the omnipresent chocolates…

You get the point. If we neglected to thoroughly remove our makeup or practice good skincare habits, the results would not be pleasant!

How, then, do Shen Yun dancers keep their skin radiant and glowing despite such tough conditions? Let’s find out.

Step One: Pre-Makeup

The first thing to acquaint yourself with on your skincare journey is washing your face!

We perform in a variety of venues, including many historical theaters that are very dusty backstage. For us dancers, spending the whole day in the theater is the norm, so a thorough face washing is important to prevent the pores from getting clogged.

After washing your face, you MUST make sure your face stays hydrated by putting on toner and moisturizer that suit your skin type. This is the factor that determines whether your makeup will stay on or not.

And for some people (say, dancers) who want to reduce their belongings and travel light, if you choose a thicker toner, you can use less on each application, saving space.

Step Two: Post-Makeup

An intense day full of exertion and commitment has come to an end. Do you think you can call it a night now? Ha ha, don’t forget you still have your makeup on!!

To enable the audience in even the very last row of the upper balcony to see the dancers’ faces, stage makeup is heavier than normal, especially around the eyes. So when removing makeup, we have to make sure to gently but earnestly clean out all the remaining eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara.

Then you have to wash your face. Again? Yep. Because no matter what kind of makeup remover you use, most of them contain ingredients and preservatives that will dry your face out. Even with wipes or liquid makeup remover, which can leave you feeling refreshed, you still need to wash your face with water at the sink!

Step Three: Skincare

While you can adjust your skincare routine based on your own skin type and needs, it’s important to build a good relationship with two key skincare tools: masks and exfoliators.

The idea behind face exfoliation is to get rid of the barrier formed by dead skin cells on the surface of your face. This can help prevent pores from getting clogged, resulting in smooth, acne-free skin. Additionally, exfoliating is beneficial to skin glow and absorption of products.

Most Shen Yun dancers exfoliate two or three times a week, while dancers with sensitive or dry skin can get by with just once a week.

And here comes our favorite—masks! One of the reasons our female dancers love performing in Asia is because Japan, Korea, and Taiwan are all great places for stocking up on masks. They are cheap and cheerful! Not only are the prices right, but the variety and superior quality of masks will have you wondering if there’s any way to fit more in your suitcase.

But don’t let the dazzling variety blur your purpose. If you are only buying them for the novelty, what’s the point? What dancers look for in a mask are its hydrating and repairing qualities.

The daily cycle of washing, putting on makeup, removing makeup, and re-washing can easily cause dry skin, and that’s where the hydrating mask comes in to save the day.

Repairing masks, on the other hand, are calming, anti-inflammatory, and very suitable for people with sensitive skin or acne. Keep in mind, though, that repairing masks shouldn’t be used too often; once or twice a week is good enough.

After using the mask, just apply any other skincare products you like, massage a little with your fingers to help your skin absorb better, and you’re all set!

BONUS: Shen Yun Dancers’ Secret Weapon!

On top of our regular skincare routine, meditation is also a great contributor to the glow of our dancers’ skin. A daily meditation of 30 minutes can calm your mind, reduce stress, and even improve your skin’s appearance!


So, what are you waiting for? Try these simple steps that will make your face radiant! Don’t forget to share this with your friends and family as well. After all, who would say no to a little beauty and self-care?

Yuwen Sq Blogger

Yuwen Lin

Contributing writer
